Sunday, January 6, 2013

30 Days 100% Raw: Day 5

Hello, hello my lovely readers.  I hope you are all having a wonderful day!  One of the things I am noticing about eating raw is that I am happier.  It sounds funny but I feel so full of light and happiness.  I noticed it right away on day 1!  I believe I am starting to detox as I am currently a mucus machine (gross I know, but it is what it is).  I think it's great!  I love that toxins are leaving my body!  So what did I have to eat on day 5?

Super Fruit Salad
(1 Apple, 1 Pear, 2 Oranges, 2 Bananas)
2 Bananas
Sprouted Lentil Bean Dip w/ Cucumber "chips"
1 Mango Orange
2 Satsumas
2 Dates

I am really happy how the sprouted lentil bean dip came out.  It was so yummy and filling and just what I needed for the busy day I had at work.  I can't wait to share the recipe!  That's all for now.... it's on to day 6.

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